Back in 2014, I attended the Writer’s Police Academy and learned a LOT. (You can see all my photos HERE.) They changed locations and I was hesitant to attend at a much larger venue. But this year is their final year and I was randomly selected for a grant to attend.

I am so psyched! I made a couple of good friends (none of whom are going this year) and hope to gain a couple more. Being somewhat introverted, I will be exhausted by 3+ days of meeting & greeting. But I know I will take away some good hints and tips for future books.

Even though I have moved into writing mostly cozy books, I do try for realism and attempt to stick to the facts. The Writer’s Police Academy will help keep me on the right track.

I hope some of my author friends will be there – let me know if you are coming!


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Thank you.

7 thoughts on “Writer’s Police Academy 2023

  1. I love watching Steven Spingola on Cold Case. I bet he’s really interesting to listen to!

  2. Sounds like a great and informative time! Cozy Mystery Writers need accurate police info too!

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