While I’ve been busy with many things, unfortunately, writing has not been one of them. Now it’s tax time and we all know what that means. Sigh… But soon, honest! I have a rough outline for my fourth C’Mon Inn Mystery book and hope to start writing it soon.

Well, sometime. March will be a bit nuts and April will be worse with a Disney vacation for our tenth anniversary, a visit with family, then moving our RV back to Tennessee after wintering in southern Georgia.

Then toss in the April A to Z Blog Challenge. I did this last year…in fact, I did it on both our blogs. This year I will have to skip it. Just too much on my plate to even pre-write. Double sigh…

But life is good and that’s what is important, right? I hope all is well in your world and never fear, there will be new books written this year. Promise! Maybe even a prequel to the Klondike Mystery books!

P.S. Looking for more about what I’ve been up to? Check out my personal blog!


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