Sorry, not this year. I wish I could but there just isn’t time. April is a crazy month this year. Not because of taxes, they are done and sent to our accountant, but for several other reasons.

Normally I pre-write and schedule all my posts. Yes, I could do that but I wouldn’t be able to visit and comment on other blogs for the first 8-9 days. Why? We’re going to Walt Disney World for our tenth anniversary! Afterwards we are visiting family in the area before heading back to the RV in Georgia and getting it ready to head back home to Tennessee.

Once home, my husband has doctor appointments to discuss some surgery for his cataracts and carpel tunnel in one wrist. Of course, once we get home, the RV has to be cleaned out and cleaned up. And yard work must begin before it overtakes us.

Oh, who am I kidding? I was looking through my images from last year and once again the flash fiction bug has hit. Why not? I have two weeks before Disney, I can get this done! Right? Um, maybe. Ah, what theme?

Oh no…what am I thinking???? Can I do it? Will I do it? Only time will tell, but for now, yeah, I’m CRAZY for even considering it!


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