Here is my contribution to this week’s Sunday Photo Fiction challenge:

“Look! He’s still there. I can’t cook with him there.” My wife stood, arms crossed and glared, first at me, then at ‘him’.

Him was a little gecko. You know, like you see on the GEICO commercials. “He’s just a tiny little lizard.”

She glared harder. “Just get rid of him. Now.” As the laughter started bubbling out of me she added, “Please?”

I reached for him but all I got was tail. In my hand, literally. 

“What did you do to him?” She screamed at me as she scooped him up and cradled him next to her chin. “You poor little thing.”

I tried to explain that was a defense mechanism but she was having none of it.

She continued to coo over him as I prepped the grill for dinner. “You gonna let him go?” Another glare. “Let him go, wash up, and bring out the steaks.” It was my turn to plead. “Please?”

She set him down and went inside.

He sat there and staring at me accusingly.

“I’m sorry.” I was talking to a lizard. I shook my head.

“You should be!”

I spun around, no one was there.

“Down here.”

It was the gecko.



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9 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction: The Gecko

    1. It was a fun write…I have an author friend who has a talking gecko in her books. LOL!

  1. I am surprised this gecko stuck around after dropping its tail! Normally they run like there is no tomorrow. Why didn’t you simply fired up the grill and would be gone? Nice story.

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