Photo courtesy of W. Neiman

Here is my contribution to this week’s Friday Fotoflash Challenge.

She loved this time of night, almost pitch black and the quiet punctuated only by distant sirens. She had picked this location specifically, away heavily trafficked city streets and in an industrial area.

She took a sip of her wine and surveyed her view. She knew it was midnight as she watched the warehouse watchman fire up his van to go home. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Two hours left. As she waited, she ran through her current assignment, step by step, ensuring she had all the details covered.

Propping her feet in the window, she smiled to herself. She was nothing if not professional. She’d been at this for six years and was good enough to be able to pick and choose her assignments.

A quick look at her watch and she jumped into action. She hummed as she assembled the items needed, packing them neatly into her duffle bag. Finished, she stood back and mentally went through her checklist. Satisfied, she changed into her work clothes.

Now ready, she took a final look around her room. Satisfied everything was in its proper place, she set her alarms and left.

Three hours later she was back home, her job complete. It had been a straightforward one, easily accomplished without any fuss or mess. Sitting on her bed she opened her gear bag. One by one, she pulled out her guns and started cleaning them.


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2 thoughts on “#fotoflash: The View

    1. It really wasn’t how I envisioned the story going – but there it went!

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