Pexels from Pixabay

Here is my contribution to this week’s Sunday Photo Fiction challenge:

Orange, his favorite color. Who would have thought you could find a perfectly good chair sitting in the middle of the street? “I need to take this home,” he mumbled as he examined the chair from all sides. “It’s in great shape,” he said to no one in particular, easy to do since there was no one around.

He picked it up…well, he tried to pick it up. It wouldn’t budge.

This makes no sense. Why would someone leave a chair here but fasten it down so no one can move it? 

His thoughts continued as he tried to figure out how the chair was being held down. He couldn’t find anything holding it down.

He was tired from his exertion and plopped into the chair. This is so comfy. I really need to find a way to get it home.

In fact, it was so comfy he fell asleep within minutes.

He woke with a start, feeling disoriented. He was still in the chair but they weren’t in the street. They were on a shelf inside a glass specimen jar with other exhibits.

No one heard him scream.


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Thank you.

8 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction: Temptation

  1. Oh, my, that’s fun twist to the end of your story! Nice job! The orange chair reminded me of the scene in Big Bang where Penny rescues a chair from the street, and Sheldon loves it until he finds out where it came from.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I remember that episode on Big Bang…LOL! Thanks for stopping by, Shelley. Sorry this sat in pending so long. It’s been a busy week and I completely missed it!

  2. Ooh, great twist! I was cringing when he didn’t realize that something magic (or otherwise weird) must be going on. Don’t sit in the chair! Too late…

    Of course, all of these stories make me wonder, why on earth IS that orange chair in the middle of the street?

    1. My mind seems to go to the weird, strange, eerie, creepy way too easily. I love some of the other stories shared! Thanks, Joy.

      1. Agreed — I always enjoy seeing where other people go with the same idea, especially since it’s almost never the same place I go.

  3. Oh wow, that was scary and, well he will never see that street again. Is there air to breathe or will he slowly die a horrible death. The mind boggles.

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