Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Today’s snippet is from Home Again, my one romance novel. When I started writing fiction books, I thought I’d be writing romances. Didn’t happen…but this book did. It’s a sweet clean romance, set in a small town. In this snippet, Sarah’s  son, Brians, is being watched by her best friend, Lindy, when she has to make a trip to Chicago.

About ten minutes later she heard the front door slam. She put the last touches on lunch and walked to the foyer where Brian was sitting on the floor in an obvious puddle of water, rubbing both dogs with the towels in an attempt to dry them. The dogs resisted the toweling, shaking to shed themselves of the water in their fur, spreading it far and wide. She covered her mouth, smothered a laugh, remembering years past when she did the same for her pups. “Ill be right back.” She found an old blanket in the hall closet, worn thin in spots but still useful. She brought it out and spread it on the floor. “Bring them over here and Ill clean up over there,” she instructed Brian.

He got the dogs on the blanket where they promptly laid down. “Finally, now I can take this off.” He shrugged off the slicker and hung it up after putting a towel under it. “Miss Lindy, its downright nasty out there. Ive never seen a storm this bad. Have you?”

Lindy sighed, “Im afraid so, too many of them over the years. We have to be ready to go to the cellar if it gets too bad.”

Brian looked puzzled. “The cellar?”

Realizing he didnt recognize the word she amended it, “The basement. Its the safest place to be if…” She stopped, realizing she might scare him if she mentioned tornadoes. “Hey, lunch is ready. Bring the pups into the kitchen with you. Ill put up the gate until theyre both dry.”

Brian leapt up and called to this dogs who obediently followed him into the kitchen. Lindy picked up the wet towels and blanket, stopping to look outside. She really didnt like the way the sky looked. Sighing she took the wet mess and dropped it in the washing machine before sitting down to have lunch with Brian.


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2 thoughts on “Snippet Saturday – Home Again

  1. Loved that little snippet of what sounds like a really good story. Thank you for sharing.

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