Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Today’s snippet is from my middle-grade reader of seven fables, each taking place on a separate day with separate characters, 7 Days of Seven

This is from day 1: Monday Midnight Madness…

The bell rang announcing the end of the school day. Bernie Buskin put his books into his backpack and closed his locker. The first day in a new school was never fun and if you were freckled, red-headed, wore glasses AND braces, well, let’s just say he was glad the day was over. He stood there watching the hallway grow empty.

With a sigh, he slung the pack over his shoulder and slowly trudged towards the front door until something made him stop. The hairs on the back of his neck stood as a strange sound grew louder, echoing past the empty classrooms.

He tried to move his feet but it was like being in quicksand. Well, at least like the quicksand he’d read about. He looked around him frantically, hoping someone would come to help. Wait, I haven’t called for help. He slapped his forehead, opened his mouth to shout but nothing came out.

Actually something did come out, a little spittle of drool ran down the side of his chin. Feeling it, Bernie raised his hand to wipe it off but his hand wouldn’t move. In fact, as hard as he tried, NOTHING would move! Okay, he could twist his head a little, but that was all. So he twisted his head back and forth until he thought it might twist off. Behind him the sound grew more insistent, more persistent.

Bernie struggled, his heart racing. I’m trapped! Someone help me! What is that noise? He listened as the moans. No, not really moans. Maybe more of a scraping sound with a little screeching? Whatever it was, it was growing louder which meant it was coming closer to him.

I’m too young to die! I haven’t done anything yet. Well, nothing important or really special. After all, Bernie was only in seventh grade. How much could one kid really accomplish in twelve years? LET ME GO! He yelled silently as he battled against his invisible bonds.

Just when he thought the sound couldn’t get any louder – it STOPPED! He felt a cool breeze pass behind him, then around him, and finally stop in front of him.

The tinkling of a little bell preceded the question, “Why are you fighting me?” The voice floated in the air somewhere around his knees.

Bernie crossed his eyes trying to see what was down there. “I can’t talk,” he yelled, startled to hear his voice boom outward. “Oh, sorry for yelling. I thought I couldn’t talk but I guess I can. That’s really strange though—”

The voice interrupted his ramblings, “I have come for you that is why you were bound.”


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2 thoughts on “Snippet Saturday – 7 Days of Seven

  1. I hope there’s a happy outcome for Bernie Buskin. He could do with some luck!

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