Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

I’m adding a semi-regular Friday theme to the blog. Freewrite Friday where I write whatever comes into my mind. It could be a writing update, a personal update, or who knows what else Here’s my thoughts today…

It’s all about balance. Balance and the counterpoint of Procrastination. I’m currently dealing with both. My head is busy with thoughts about our trip to Europe and what I still need to get done (book flights between European cities, get a new credit card that doesn’t charge a foreign transaction fee, get travel insurance for the trip as well as three cruises in January, figure out local transportation to/from European cruise ports/hotels, and lowest on the Europe list, what excursions we’d like to book). I’m pretty well done with packing other than seeing how it all will fit in my suitcases.

The guest bed is covered with the incidentals and toiletries that might go. These will get sized down as the time moves closer. Then I will tackle the clothes.

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I will be taking a lot of merino items that will mix/match. The biggest challenge is the wide range of temperatures during the two month. From the 90s in Florida, to the 40-50s in Scotland. Layers…lots of layers. And I really have to fight my “I need options” trait.

Today I got a 128GB card for my camera (which I haven’t used in a LOOOONG time) and when I turned it on, I had to reset the date. Oh, and the batteries all need charging. I will keep that in mind and try to keep them charged. My trip to the Writer’s Police Academy conference proved I could use an iPad Mini and my 11″ MacBook Air for Europe, thus saving space and weight. The budget European airlines are quite strict. I do need to load my travel backpack with the essentials to see how much it weighs. Camera & accessories, laptop, iPad, chargers/cables/adapters, medications, toiletries, and a change of clothes plus PJs.

I also spent time getting my old personal blog moved from Blogger to a WordPress site. It’s mostly personal stuff, a few responses to prompts from other blogs, but feel free to follow it if you’d like. Hopping thru my days…

In the midst of all this, I need to work on my current WIP, Frozen Dough. My goal is to have the first draft done by the end of July. Edits in August, and ready for pre-order in September. Eeek! Gotta start a daily schedule for writing and stick to it. At least a daily writing goal is a must right now.

I’ve also taken on trying to walk for 30 minutes daily. Outdoors walking to better prepare for all the walking in Europe. Hills, stairs, rough terrain, cobblestones – this old body isn’t ready YET. I try to walk on the treadmill on the off days but never manage to get in the full 30 minutes. Maybe I’ll try two fifteen minute walks.

So the balance is writing and still getting done what needs to be done, both daily stuff and future. The procrastination is, well, that’s easy. The writing has been at the bottom on the list. Tackling that now tomorrow.

Well, that’s enough blathering for this Friday. I hope you will keep checking back and fee free to comment and let me know what you’re up to this Friday.


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