I teased you with a partial glimpse of the cover for my upcoming cozy mystery, Frozen Dough. It will be book #5 in the Holiday Corner Christmas Cozy Mystery Short Reads. If you remember, I wrote book #3 in the initial trilogy and now the other two authors and I are working on a second trilogy. You will be able to pre-order in September for release in December.

Here are some hints about new characters introduced in Frozen Dough:

Catherine and Randall Winter return from their brief hiatus in Florida after  granddaughters, Candi and Mandi, head off to meet their long lost cousin. 

Ryo Gannon started his own software company in junior high school and sold it for millions when he was thirty. He is now traveling the country looking for a place that says “home” to him. He stops in Holiday Corner during the fall and hires on at Candy Cane Carriages to help during their busy season.

Melody (Mel) and Maxwell (Max) Baker, the twin niece and nephew of Alberta (Bertie) Baker who owns the Sweet Kneads Bakery, join the work force in Holiday Corner when they agree to take over the food truck business. Computer whizzes, they have been baking with their aunt since they were in grade school.

Gala Bell retires early from her acting career and comes home to Holiday Corner to build a retirement community, Snowball Villages.

Robin Finch expands his accounting business, Finch Financials, by adding investment counseling as he helps local businesses improve their bottom line.

Angel, the Saint Bernard, and Tank, the Labrador Retriever, may have puppies. Hmmm, Labernards?



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7 thoughts on “Cover Reveal – Frozen Dough

  1. I love it. Love the little packages in the basket; and the fox is intriguing to the mystery. Makes my imagination run wild. lol

    1. I’m working on it now….was creating scenes in my head while trying to go to sleep last night.

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