A to Z of Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories

Remarkable Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories…

  • Restful naps: The only time I can remember taking naps before my 70s was back in my 40s when I was working full-time and participating in community theater. Every day after work, I’d take a 30 minute nap before heading to the theater. I was in two plays – great memories!
  • Rain: As long as I don’t have to go out in it, I love rain. The sounds, the smell just after a new spring rain…
  • Red rock formations: One reason I fell in love with the southwest – red rocks. I never tire of them.
  • Readers: How could I not love my remarkable readers of my books and those who review them and post comments on my blogs. Thank you!
  • Rocking chairs: Wooden, over-stuffed, metal, fabric – just let me rock! I still have the rocker I bought in 1977 when my last child was born.
  • Relish: The piccalilli kind my grandmother used to make. The sweet pepper kind we have found in a local Amish neighborhood store is as close as I can get to it. I love it on hot dogs and hamburgers.
  • Radishes: A memory of sitting on our back steps with my mother, eating radishes plucked out of backyard garden.
Our home on wheels & motorcycles – Valley of the Fire, NV taken March 2010

What are your remarkable small delights, simple pleasures and significant memories?


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19 thoughts on “Remarkable – 2023 A to Z Blog Challenge

  1. I’m only in my 60’s but I enjoy a restful nap. Probably because we get up between 3:30 and 4:30 each morning so my husband can be in work when he needs to be. Usually waking time is 4:30 but there are some days when he has to be in by 5, so 3:30 it is. We like to spend time with each other before the day begins, that’s why so early.

  2. I would love restful naps, but usually end up waking with a headache and then not sleeping later. I’m constantly exhausted!

    I love the rain in the springtime, it brings out all the good earthy smells and feels like it’s cleansing everything.

    Rocking chairs. There was a song that my grandad used to sing about seeing grandma in the old rocking chair. I believe it was an old folk song. Brings back good memories 😁

    Rollercoasters 🎢 I used to love riding them when I was younger. The bigger and faster then better. Now I’m happy to just watch other ride. The bumping and jostling no longer feels good. 😂🤣

  3. I always feel guilty taking a nap. We made a special trip back up to Oregon to retrieve a rocker from my mother-in-law’s house. It is my favorite chair!

    1. I have the rocker I bought for my last baby in 1977. She inherited it when I became a full-time RVer. Then I inherited it back when hubby and I bought our house. It has a place of honor in our bedroom. (covered with clothes)

  4. If I nap, I can’t sleep at night. I’m waiting for the day when I don’t have to be on the schedule. Then I hope to enjoy restful naps again.

    My favorite of all the ’Rs’ is rain. And last night we had a good soaking thunderstorm. The best!

  5. I love watching the rain approach our home over the water and feel so safe and cosy when it hits or windows and roof. I do not relish going out in the rain or having to drive through a downpour.

  6. I love rains. As a kid, I loved getting drenched in the rain. Now, I like watching it from indoors. The sound and smell of rains is refreshing!
    I love naps, too. I take 15-minute power naps and it feels wonderful. Sometimes I wish I could nap longer, but then it would spoil my sleep at night.
    I liked your house on wheels, Donna. Looks so comfy and cool! 🙂

    1. Our RV was amazing – we are hoping it will eventually sell to someone who will get many more wonderful miles of travel from it.

  7. Petrichor is the word for the smell after a rain. It’s probably the fanciest word I know but since I also love the smell of rain, I made the effort to remember the word.
    Going to sleep to the sound of rain or waking up to a storm is quite magical.

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