Mark Your Calendars!

I have several book price news items for you.

All my Klondike books are going on a countdown sale starting September 1st and ending on September 7th. Be sure to grab any you are missing and tell your friends, too.

The first three books will start at $1.99 and the companion novella, Always on Duty will start at $0.99.

The second pricing news is, unfortunately, a price increase. All three books in the Holiday Corner series will have their prices increased to $2.99 on September 15th. So if you haven’t gotten one, two, or all three of these books, grab them NOW for only $0.99 each.


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

One thought on “Pricing News!

  1. I have to catch up on all the books in my library that I have not read (there must be 100 of them) before I can purchase a new one, or 2 or 3…lol

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