NaNoWriMo is over and done…so how did I do? Well, as you can see by the graphic above, I spent more time thinking about the book I was writing than I did actually writing. But I’m okay with that. It comes with being a pantser and not a plotter.

I also did a lot of research. Even though this is a cozy mystery series, I like to get the details right and in this case it meant a lot of searching, reading, asking questions, and then asking more questions in various community groups. But it will be worth it in the end.

I did get the first rough draft of the prequel, Rumors & Roasts, done and included the opening scene in my last newsletter. You can read it here. Better yet, you should subscribe!

I still have hopes of getting the first draft of book one, Ventis & Victims, finished this month. Yes, that means I’m behind on my calendar but I’m okay with that. It will adjust. Isn’t that what life is all about? Adjust, adapt, change? LOL!

In other news, I did it again. I got sucked into buying some pre-made covers during a fantastic sale. The designer is the one that did both the Open House Cozy Mystery covers as well as the Opposites Attract Sweet Romance covers.. Watch for more information next week! 


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