Griddle Me This - Sprinkle Me That

Yes, I did it again! Two future series…not sure where they will fit in the writing schedule but I’m excited about them. The two series will be related and share characters but each book will be fine to read as a standalone.

Parker Hunt Fuller is the owner of the Flippin’ Good Diner and is the main character in the Griddle Me This cozy mystery series.

His sister, Darby Lynn Fuller, is the owner of the Flippin’ Good Cupcakes shop and she is the main character in the Sprinkle Me That cozy mystery series.

Side note, the first letter in the series’ titles corresponds with the initials of the main character in each series.

Parker Hunt Fuller
  • Pancakes and Parolees
  • Hotcakes and Homicide
  • Flapjacks and Felonies
Darby Lynn Fuller
  • Decadent and Deadly
  • Luscious and Lethal
  • Frosted and Fatal

I look forward to writing these and am already making some notes. Let’s see, definitely a dead body or two, maybe some arson, possibly a kidnapping, maybe some blackmail….hmmmm.


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