Lia Rules Mystery Series

My idea for Lea Rules came to me back in August 2014 as I drove home from that year’s Writers Police Academy. Here is what I have thus far on the main character and series.

  • Her real name is Aurelia Ruhls.
  • Orphaned as an infant, she was raised by her grandmother until she was 5. Grandmother died, she was put into foster care.
  • Always wears black except for a red locket from her past.
  • Carries a little stuffed bunny (think Beanie Baby) named MoMo, from her past.
  • Doesn’t like or trust most people.
  • Has a funny saying she uses instead of cussing, got it from Granny. “Cheese n’ crackers!”
  • Rescues a dog (Husky-Terrier mix) from a tree he climbed, he follows her, she ends up keeping him. Names him Panda (white with black eye circles).
  • Her best friend is Kat Hart who has, or thinks she has, predictive talents. She will be celebrating her 30th birthday when they meet. They are complete opposites – Kat is an extreme extrovert while Lia is very introverted.
  • She rides a Ninja sportbike, all black.

She will be a “kickass” heroine, partner in a private investigation firm with Jimmy Mendoza who found her living on the streets when she was 16. Of course she has a police friend, Nick West, who both encourages and discourages her dangerous profession.

Not sure when this series will be written as I am overloaded with cozy/brozy mysteries to write. But you never know. She may pop up in the mix and another series will get delayed!

What are your thoughts on when I should write this? Do you prefer more traditional mysteries or cozies?


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