You may remember a year ago when I did some writing on Medium. It generated a little extra income until they changed their payment terms and I stopped. But while I was active, I had a couple of articles that ran in publications on the site.

One of those was for Crow’s Feet, a publication for those of a certain age. Several months later I was approached by the editor of Crow’s Feet, Nancy Peckenham, about including one of my stories in a future book. Sure! Why not? I had nothing to lose, so I told her go ahead.

Now the book is published and available in both digital and print formats. I think I’m in pretty good company and I hope you will get your copy and tell your friends!

People who are feeling the weight of growing old will find inspiration in this collection of essays and poems that offer new insights into the joys of becoming wiser and more confident as we age despite the negative effects of ageism.

In these original pieces, thirty people write about how they overcame their own fears of aging to embrace the freedom of their final decades.

Staying active and healthy is only one of the paths these writers have taken to turn broken stereotypes upside down. Posing nude, having a boyfriend at 80, or riding horseback through the mountains thrill some, while others are content to plant fresh flowers, hug their grandchildren and enjoy the gift of time.

If you are thinking about how you are going to navigate through your 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, you may find your story in their frank and personal words. You will find pieces by award-winning writer Julia E. Hubbel, British writer Anne Saddler, humorist Roz Warren and author Beth Bruno.

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