Busy - Tired

Remember that old saying, “The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get?” from Alice in Wonderland? I’ve gone down so many rabbit holes lately, I think I need to eat some carrots. That seems to be my life since I got home from our cruise. Some of it is COVID hangover, some of it is old age creeping up (I keep trying to hide but it’s not working).

We bought a new freezer, moved everything over, then sold the old one. That took a day!  We’ve had warming weather after two snow storms and that means muddy dogs. REALLY muddy dogs. One of our doodles is 3/4 poodle and his fur really collects the mud and makes mini-snowballs on his feet. So we have to cart warm water to our deck and wash them down before they can come in. Time consuming…and makes for more laundry. LOL!

And I’m still ignoring the tax paperwork but will need to tackle that soon. But the rabbit holes have been interesting – I’ve been having fun (sometimes). Part of it is due to excitement – we booked a transatlantic cruise in late 2023. It originates in Europe and we plan to fly to Scotland for a week beforehand and take a five-day tour. WOOT! (For anyone who isn’t aware, both hubby and I share Scottish roots. He’s, obviously, Clan McNicol, and I’m Clan MacQuarrie & Clan Murray. Visting Scotland has been a long time dream for us both.

For anyone who has traveled to Europe, you know the weather can be cool and wet, especially in autumn. Couple that with baggage number, size, and weight restrictions for both air and train transport. Oh, and on our tour. So one rabbit hole has been looking at what we need to add to our current wardrobe and travel items. Fun rabbit hole!

In addition, we have ordered new iPad Pros for us both. I also got the Magic Keyboard for mine and hope to use in it place of my laptop when we go to Europe. I know, that’s still 91 weeks away – but the timing was right for us. Really hoping they arrive soon!

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you, my readers. I am targeting writing at least 500 words daily starting today. More once we get on our next cruise – two weeks on the Mardi Gras leaving Port Canaveral on 2/26. Of course, there will also be the fun of celebrating Mardi Gras while ON the Mardi Gras and the second cruise is to celebrate Carnival’s 50th Birthday. But I do plan to write as much as possible.

My new waterproof boots from Kodiak – bought for Scotland
I don’t see many sunrises, this was after a sleepless night this week.


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2 thoughts on “Busy, Tired, Busy, Tired – Rinse & Repeat

    1. I’m so excited to get the new 11″ Pro. Stu is getting the 12.5″ Pro. His iPad is only a year old, but he uses it for 95% of everything online.

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