A to Z of Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories

Absolute Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories…

  • Freshly baked apple pie: Nothing better than the smell or taste of homemade apple pie, especially when topped with ice cream. I can’t resist!
  • Alaska, I want to go back: The one cruise I’d love to repeat, Alaska. So much beauty!
  • Adirondack chairs: Stretching out, feet up, relaxing on a perfect spring or fall day. Nope, not a summer gal.
  • Antiques: Antiques bring back memories of mine and of my older relatives. They make me feel warm and cuddly inside.
  • Austin-Healey 3000-6: I bought a 1959 model in 1970 for $500. It had many issues, like leaking down rain into my lap from the convertible top, and leaking water up from the floorboards when I went through a puddle, but I have so many great memories of taking a drive along the Florida beach at night, moon out, rain on, top down. Sigh…
  • Australian accents: Always makes me smile – having known several folks from Australia, I always envied their obvious love of life and ridicule as to what others thought of their antics. 
Kodiak, Alaska
Taken while cruising – June 2010 Kodiak, AK

What are your absolute small delights, simple pleasures and significant memories?


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41 thoughts on “Absolute – 2023 A to Z Blog Challenge

  1. Apple pie for the win! Angels in the form of cardinals. Acadia National Park in Maine to enjoy the beauty of nature. Apple picking every fall as a family.

  2. I made an apple pie from scratch for the first time in years last week. Nothing can beat the smell of baking apples & cinnamon.

    1. It’s a splurge for us. In the past, we took many motorcycle trips for apple pie & ice cream! Thanks for dropping by!

      1. Great list. You have me imagining sitting in a garden in an Adirondack chair with a piece of apple pie, and perhaps gazing at some blooming Alstroemeria.

  3. Well truthfully apple is my least favorite. Give me a good raspberry or peach. I love the look of Adirondack chairs and I have been to Alaska too but would like to go back so I can share it with my hubby. I went with my sister the first time. Great start!
    Janet’s Smiles

    1. My favorite, growing up in New England, is strawberry rhubarb. Hard to find… Second is the strawberry pie that Shoney’s used to feature – they may still, we just never go there. LOL!

  4. My family went on an Alaskan cruise when I was a kid. It is a stunningly beautiful place. I’d love to go back there, too, someday.

    1. My first sports car – I will never forget it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hope you’ll be back for more.

    1. Good to see you participating again – and cinnamon is a must for apple pie. Adirondeck chairs are a specific design and were originally made in the Adirondeck Mountains. Now they are made everywhere and even out of plastic (ugh).

  5. Anything baked will work for me. Love the smell of coffee, too, but I have almost given up my fav brew. But earlier, when I did have it, then coffee with a good book, and me stretched out on my couch, reading in absolute silence…Simple pleasures!

  6. Great list Donna – My all time comfort food is two slices of granary bread toasted, spread with butter, ginger marmalade and a slice of vanilla ice cream – eaten whilst the toast is still warm and the ice cream cold…
    Visiting from how-would -you-know.com

  7. Loved Alaaska but preferred Antarctica. BTW – I don’t have an accent – it’s all those foreigners over the seas who have them.

    1. Thanks for the morning giggle – and while I’d love to visit Antartica AND Australia, it’s not in my future. Sniff…

  8. I second that on Australian accents and Australians. Never met an Australian that wasn’t fun-loving and a hoot to be around. I’d love to visit Alaska someday. Love your list.

    1. Glad you liked the list – I look forward to hearing yours in the comments as I go through the letters. Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  9. Love your blog title and your A-Z theme. Fresh apple pie – mmm my mouth is watering at the prospect – and I love browsing in antique shops when I get the chance but a rarity where I live!

    1. I know, I’m ready to go on the search for some good pie. I avoid the resale shops now, as much as I love them. Too hard to buy stuff I don’t need. LOL!

  10. Fresh warm Applesauce! Hearing the song Amazing Grace! and my most favorite is Frozen York Peppermint Patties – they are cool and refreshing!

  11. Since living in Vietnam, I am closer with my Aussie friends than my American friends. Fewer Americans visit here than Aussies… Vietnam is so much closer to Australia!

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