I ended up writing blogs, cleaning out and organizing a kitchen cabinet after hubby finished a plumbing chore, plus ran down several rabbit holes. after hubby finished a plumbing chore. Didn’t get to start writing until around 2pm so thought today’s word count would be low. But I ended up on a role and not only had a good day, I caught up to date with my goals. 500 words a day through today would put me at 8300 total words in the story. I ended up at 8546 words written so far. Yippee! If this keeps up, I should be doing over 1000 words a day tomorrow and Sunday. Saturday we plan a motorcycle ride. 

As a little reward (for you and your patience), here’s a snippet from Ventis & Victims, book one of the Red Line Coffee Mystery series.

Charles Hoye aka Newsie, Mayor Hank Maple and one of the town councilmen, Parker Charleston, were seated at another table. Hank and Newsie were arguing. “I don’t give a hoot about your so-called ethics. I report the news. We’ve got a dead body and we need to find the killer.”

Hank slammed his fist on the table. “You’re gonna ruin what’s left of our tourist season if you do that. Just let the police deal with it.”

Parker Charleston nodded. “I agree with Hank. We need our tourist and tax dollars. Sensationalism has no place in our local newspaper. Let the tabloid rags dish out the garbage.”

“Can’t do that. It’s news, boys. That’s why they call it a NEWSpaper. It will be tomorrow’s headline story. Above the fold. Where it belongs.”

“You are a stubborn old mule and one day someone’s going to make you pay for it.” Hank stood and motioned for his cup to go. 

As to the graph below, if the story goes longer, say to 50k, then the percentage shown right now is too high. We’ll see how it goes as the story progresses. Thanks!

Red Line Coffee Book 1

Ventis & Victims
21% Complete
8,546 of 40,000 words


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Thank you.

2 thoughts on “A few more words & something for you…

  1. I am so excited to read the whole series. I could sit down right now and read every bit in 1 setting. I am ready to rock it!

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