My A to Z Challenge: Micro fiction, using 300 words or less, inspired by selected words along with a photo for inspiration. The words were chosen in reverse order from this lesson plan page.
(For example, for the letter A it was the 26th word on the list, for Z it was the 1st word on the list)

They were known as the Rodrigo brothers. They were born in Portugal on September ninth, one year apart from each other. They were itinerant musicians, playing their vintage xylophone at carnivals and other traveling shows.

Tiago and Paulo were now in their eighties and still touring. Wherever they went, rumors flowed about what happened when they played. Some said they were hypnotized and only woke when the duo stopped playing. Others said they had never felt better, even after the music ended.

But not all the rumors were good ones. You see Tiago and Paulo had a few disabilities from birth. Tiago, the oldest, was blind in his left eye. Paulo, the youngest, was blind in his right eye. They never wore sunglasses to hide these issues and they never hesitated staring at their audience.

Needless to say, their stares could be a bit creepy. The more superstitious among the crowd accused them of casting the evil eye and bewitching some of those watching.

Today was no different, except for the fact it was their first time back in Portugal since they were youngsters and their final performance anywhere. They stepped up to the xylophone, tapped a few notes, and broke into a lively folk tune. Soon everyone was clapping and stamping their feet.

Their final song was subdued, somewhat eerie, and as they played they stared into the crowd. Each brother seemed to seek out one specific person. A young person.

The tune lingered in the air and vibrated with the notes. A strong wind arose, blinding everyone with dust and debris. Once settled, the stage was empty.

Stranger yet, three young people in the audience were seen strolling off arm in arm. One blind in the left eye, one blind in the right eye, and one totally blind.


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