Once again, up at 6am on the bus after 7am. (Wondering if I can continue this when I get home – the alarm part, not the bus part…) My first session was Death by Powder and Pills, the instructor was Nick Place. I didn’t take many photos because the instructor sent us all a PDF with the power point presentation.

We learned about the dark web and fake drugs that are used to get people addicted to opioids. We also learned what opioids are being cut with and sometimes it negates the use of Narcan. We learned how easy it is to make pills. We even made a pill using baking soda!

This class was very informative and a bit sad. 

The next session for me was Cold Cases and no photos of the session slides was allowed. This class was taught by Bruce Robert Coffin, a retired police officer from Portland, ME. I learned a lot about how cold cases are dealt with. I may never use this in my books, but I enjoyed the session.

Another catered lunch and I considered skipping my final session, Handcuffing, and the instructor was Neil Dorner. I had no idea what would be covered, but decided to go. And boy, am I glad I did.

The instructor was fantastic and the demonstrations of handcuff use with uncooperative suspects was excellent.

I’m very glad I attended this fascinating session!

We loaded back on to the busses and headed to another location for a presentation by Dr. Katherine Ramsland. She is always fascinating – her knowledge and expertise in the field of serial killers and their psyche makes her the perfect presenter for the Writer’s Police Academy. Once again, no photos other than the introduction.

Back at the hotel, the banquet got under way with delicious meals (and cash bar service which we also had the previous nights). I sat at a table with several friends I had made over the last couple of days and we chatted until the keynote presentation. Not a great photo of me but I thought I’d share it anyway.

The keynote speaker was author and investigative reporter, Hank Phillippi Ryan. I have to tell you, her keynote speech was AMAZING and so motivational.

Coming up in Part 5 – reflections and trip home.


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