I started thinking about who I am in regards to my writing persona when I was reviewing my newsletters statistics. I used to use the same header logo on them all but late last fall I started to use various Bitmoji images. The response was positive, both for the newsletter and in my Facebook reader group.

That got me to thinking about my general writing style. I’ve been writing blogs since 2006 when I was a solo RVing widow. I typically wrote as though I was talking to a friend. Over many blogs, personal and professional, I’ve kept that style and it seems to work for me.

Then I thought about the books I’d written in the past. My first mystery series, the Klondike Mysteries, were fairly serious. Not graphic, but only minor character-driven humor. My second mystery series, the C’Mon inn Mysteries, were a bit lighter (both in length and content).

My future plans for series were:

  1. An as yet to be named darker mystery series set in Bitters MT with the main character being a flawed lawman. First title would be “Red as the Snow” and it would be a trilogy.
  2. A mystery series with a kick-butt young female P.I. who was raised on the streets. Probably novella length. (Lia Rules series)
  3. A possible cozy mystery series set on a cruise ship. Again, probably novella length. No name as yet.
  4. A probable cozy mystery series involving a couple working as tech geeks while traveling by RV. Once more, probably novella length. (Hunt & Tech series)
  5. Maybe more books in the two current series – unsure about that. I do have a basic plot for a fourth book in the Klondike Mysteries.

In addition, I just registered for a HUGE writer’s conference in November. I realized I need to tailor what I expect to get out of it to what I anticipate writing in 2021. And that will be tailored by what I write and sell this year.

Yes, I am still working on my two current WIPs. Paradise Dream, book #4 in the C’Mon inn Mysteries, is about half written and Always on Duty, the prequel to the Klondike Mysteries, is about 10% written.

I had planned to move on to #1 on the future list above, I even have the cover I want to use and have been making notes. But I am seriously thinking about tackling the Hunt & Tech cozy mystery series first. They really are calling me and I have gotten a lot of input from my Facebook reader group.

Hmmmm, any thoughts from my readers?



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2 thoughts on “Who am I? Writing-wise, that is…

  1. You called Klondike mysteries graphic. I read the Klondike series and wouldn’t call it graphic. You hit on several issues that could be sensitive and that’s good. But in my opinion, Klondike series was not graphic at least not in the way I define graphic. The Klondike series was excellent.
    I personally like the idea of doing a book with a flawed lawmen or law women and I also like the idea of a fourth book. I like the idea of a 4th book in Klondike Series.

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