There is never a dull moment in the life of a writer (or computer user, or homeowner, or…. Well, you get the idea.) After reading how Google would be disabling ad blockers in the next major release of Chrome, I decided I should switch to Firefox. I used to use it, not sure why I switched to Chrome but it’s been my #1 browser since I moved to my MacBook Pro in 2014.

Off I went, downloaded Firefox, installed the extensions that I used the most (or replacements for them), and started using it. Well, long story short, in less than a week I switched back to Chrome. For whatever reason, Firefox was abysmally slow, jerky, and completely irritating and counter productive.

Someone asked me about Safari. Yes, I have it and yes, I use it – occasionally. There is too much I don’t like for my work style so I save it for when I am writing and only want to see my thesaurus or research something. Keeps me more focused. Funny thing, I use Safari a lot on my iPad mini.

I’ve been very productive, once the browser issue was resolved, but not on writing. I’ve done a lot of marketing, promoting, newsletters, in addition to working on the book cover for my Klondike Mystery prequel.

Unfortunately, life is going to be in the way until November. I have two weeks to get ready to take the RV to Maryland. It has to be cleaned, clothes loaded, dog stuff loaded, and food loaded. Then double-check to be sure the house is ready to leave for 4-6 weeks. Right now the rig is pretty much a total disaster inside.

We leave on the 27th or 28th for a 2-3 day drive (never sure since it depends on when we get on the road the first day). While in Maryland we have a multitude of activities.

  • Red Helmet Ride for the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial weekend
  • Hubby’s 50th high school reunion (3 days of activities)
  • Bull Roast benefit for the fire department he retired from
  • Visiting a host of family & friends (multiple events)
  • Attending the Grand Funk 50th Anniversary Tour Concert (my birthday present)


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