Just a quick note to update you on what I’m up to. As you know, A Deadly Happening went live and the reviews have been positive. Many readers wanted more stories written with the main characters. So I’ve decided to try to get another short story written, just for you, my readers. It will be set around Christmas and titled, A Deadly Yuletide. Here’s a sneak peek of the cover.

I started writing it today while on our last cruise as we head back to Florida and then home in Tennessee. We have eight sea days, so if the creative juices keep flowing, I should have a good start. Keep your fingers crossed for me! When we get home, there will be a ton of things to get caught up and I have almost 4000 photos to cull through and several blog posts to write. The photos/blogs may wait till our three cruises in January (B2B2B on the Mardi Gras).

My goal is to have it out by Christmas, but no promises. Remember, if you’re looking for a new Christmas cozy mystery read, you can pre-order ALL THREE of the upcoming books in the Holiday Corner series.


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