This time last year, who would have expected 2020 to be the year we all wished never was. For most of us there were more lows than highs. The highs were wonderful, helping to carry us through to this point. 2021 will be here in a couple of days and the world is still in chaos. We can only hope for a return to some semblance of normal, whatever that is, before this time next year.

We usually think about new year resolutions at this point in time. Here’s a list I think is worth sharing and putting into practice. Happy New Year!


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7 thoughts on “Welcome to 2021!

  1. YES!!!! About the time of the beginning of Gary’s illness, this all hit home for me. I had just sort of drifted along not really thinking about it one way or the other. But it was obvious as we worked our way through the medical morass that kindness in the world is the glue that holds it all together for each of us.

    Virtual hugs,



  2. Give a smile to everyone you see.. you never know what difference you can make in someones day

  3. Donna, I love your list! I copied down to help my own self in the remolding of me. More of a refresh, I guess, but many of things on your list are already on mine so I figure I can pick up a few more “good” resolutions in this New Year! Love y’all and wishing only a spectacular New Year for you and your loved ones!

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