Umm, no. It’s actually TikTok…

Umm, no. It’s actually TikTok

And yes, I now have a presence there. Eeek!! I’m such a newbie and so much older than the average viewers. But I thought I’d give it a try… I hope you’ll scroll though my little video snaps. You can see them even if you aren’t a member.

BUT, if you want to LIKE them or COMMENT on them (please, oh, pretty please), you do need to create an account. That said, you never need to upload a thing, just use it to view videos and like/comment.

If you have a TikTok account and DO post your own videos, comment with your user name and I promise to follow you, too!


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

3 thoughts on “Tick-Tock…

  1. I am not interested in joining any other social media sites. Shoot, I rarely use the ones I have joined! 🤗💖

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