Like many in the US, we are preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We will have a quiet dinner at home, Facetime our family, and give thanks for all we do have. I wish for a great holiday for all who celebrate.

Also, could you please take a minute and vote in my poll? I would greatly appreciate it.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Where do you get the majority of your ebooks?


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

10 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Wishes & a Quick Question

    1. Thanks, I didn’t think about that one. Trying to decide if I should put my books back in KU or not. Sales have been pretty bad these last couple of months.

    1. Ah, I wish my eyes would allow that/. So hard to read without a white-white page and lots of light. I rarely buy real books unless they are reference books. Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. I also borrow ebooks from my eLibrary. Kindle Unlimited as well.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I buy eBooks at least once a week for my Kindle. I can’t see well enough to read “real books” any more but I read more now than I ever did before Kindle. Waiting for your Red Line series to come out before I buy any more mysteries.

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