I recently read a great blog post detailing how authors could help other authors and it got me to thinking about this blog. It has been for other writers, for readers, and now (hopefully) both groups find things of interest.

2020 will mark eight years of writing for me. Not just writing, but making friends both in and out of the author community. I’m not a big selling, top author, but I do enjoy hearing from those who have read and liked me books.

When I started, the indie community was small and fairly tight-knit. Sales were good and several of my friends made the USA Best Selling lists. But things have changed. The easier it got to self-publish, the more people did it. This turned out to be good and bad. How do you get noticed in millions of new books being published?

[bctt tweet=”Takes very little time but can mean a lot to share your favorite book titles & authors with others.” username=”dbmcnicol”]Worse yet, the scammers found ways to make easy money from sellers and that hurt all the valid authors and publishers. They hurt the reputation of good authors and took money out of their pockets.

This will continue to evolve, both the good and the bad. In the meantime, how can you help an author you like? Here are a few tips.

  • #1 – post reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other places their books are sold.
  • Share the book/author links on your social media.
  • Take a photo of the book (on your reader/tablet/phone) and share it.
  • Pre-order their new books if available.
  • Join their street team (and get rewarded as well).
  • Gift a book as a gift – yes, you can gift a digital book as well.
  • Buy a paperback copy and share it!
  • If they sell logo merchandise, buy something and use it!
  • Tell the author via their contact links. It will encourage them to keep writing.

Believe me, they will appreciate it (I know I would).


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.