Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Today’s snippet is from Paradise Dead, book three in the C’Mon B&B Mystery Series.


Anna flapped her arms in distress. “We’ll never be ready in time. We’ve never had this large a group coming all at once.” She plopped into a chair on the lanai and fanned her face, frowning up at her sister.

The Thompson Twins, Betsy and Anna, had been rushing around all morning, attempting to ensure everything was ready for their large influx of guests at their B&B, The C’Mon Inn, on the island of Kaua`i.

The duo each stood about four foot eleven and were almost as wide as they were tall, but that fact was well hidden beneath the flowing traditional muumuus they wore. Their cheeks were grooved by years of smiles and both had snow white puffs of frizzy hair sticking out at odd angles. Striking light blue eyes sparkled with mischievousness, belying the wrinkles on their aged faces. Betsy was ten minutes older than her twin and never let her forget it.

Their friend, a former guest, and part-time helper, Lucia Santerez walked over, wiping her forehead. “It’s a hot one today. Where did the breeze go?”

Betsy, always the practical one, asked, “Any one want some lemonade?” Two nodding heads were the response. “I’ll be right back,” and she shuffled off.

“Are you okay, Auntie? Your face looks like a ripe tomato!” Lucia leaned towards Anna.

“Oh, I’m fine. I just can’t do what I used to and sometimes I forget that. By the way, thank you for coming in extra during the next week. I know you have a lot to do at the dive shop, but with all these people…”

“We’ll be fine. And you know you can call on me anytime. Nicky has Oke helping now, and he’s great in the store. I just have to keep up the books and we’re fine. Besides, we owe you so much—”

Betsy walked up and heard the end of the conversation. “Pish-taw! You and Nicky are ohana. Family!”

Lucia had stayed at the C’Mon Inn while she and Brandon Matthews, a firefighter from Maui, searched for her missing brother Nicolás. They had helped her fight through attacks on her and her brother’s dive shop, then provided a place for them to stay after he was found.

A large boxer looking dog came bounding towards them. “Slow down, Polo!” one of the twins shouted.

Lucia held up her hand, palm facing the dog. When he stopped, she pointed her index finger towards the ground and he lay down. She turned back to the twins and grimaced. “I’m so sorry. Nicky has everyone out on dive tours today and asked me to bring him.” She looked at the panting dog and smiled. “Brandon gave me so many hints on training him. He’s really doing quite well.”

“How is Brandon? Have you talked to him lately?” Betsy poured three glasses of the ice cold lemonade.

“We talk at least once a week.” Lucia chuckled, “Rather, he and Nicky do. They talk dive stuff all the time. He’s dating someone, and it sounds like things are going well for them.”

Anna sniffed. “I always thought you two were a cute couple.”

Her sister looked surprised. “I always thought they were more like brother and sister.”


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2 thoughts on “Snippet Saturday – Paradise Dead

    1. Thanks! This was such a fun book to write – i got to create characters based on a lot of folks we friended in the band on a cruise.

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