Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Today’s snippet is from An Elfing Mess, book one in my Snowflake Falls cozy mystery series. I hope to write three more in the series. 

Here, let me help you up. Are you hurt?” His deep baritone voice struck a chord somewhere deep inside me. (Okay, so I’m being overly dramatic. So sue me.)

I think I’m okay.” My ankle collapsed and I dropped into his arms.

Gotcha. Let’s get you into my truck where it’s warm while I take a look at your car.”

I limped my way over, secretly wishing he had to carry me.

Here, let me help you up,” he said as he boosted me into the front seat of the truck.

I cleared my throat. “Thank you. I don’t know how you knew I needed help, but you just made my day.”

He made a silly salute and strolled over to my car. After surveying the situation, he came back to the truck and got into the driver’s seat. “Do you have a spare?”

Um, I don’t know. Cars aren’t my thing.” I blushed as he laughed.

Give me your keys and I’ll check the trunk.”

In less than two minutes he was back. “All you’ve got is a baby spare and that’s not safe on these roads. I think I should tow you into town where we can get you a regular tire.” He smiled as he added, “And I admit to not being a fan of changing a tire on a car semi-dangling over a deep ditch. That work for you?”

Um, what town? My aunt is expecting me…”

My garage is in Snowflake Falls. Ever hear of it?”

I nodded. “That’s where my aunt lives.”

Great.” He moved the truck into position in front of my car. “It’ll take me 15-20 minutes to get your car hooked up. I’ll leave the truck running.” Climbing out, he turned back. “Feel free to help yourself to some hot cocoa in the thermos on the floor. Cups are in the console.” He closed the door as I reached for the thermos.

Hot cocoa, yum. I just hope it doesn’t have those little marshmallows in it. I poured a cup, took a sip, and almost spit it out. I forced myself to swallow. Yuck! Peppermint. Who puts peppermint in cocoa? I opened the door just enough to dump the rest of the cocoa onto the ground.


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