Letter S

This is a serialized story – be sure to read in order: from A (afterthought) to Z (zealous).

They stared down into the opening and both took a deep breath. Nash spoke first. “It’s a ladder. You game?”

“Sure, but can you go first? My vision is still a bit off and if I lose my balance, well, you’d be down there to catch me.”

“Makes sense but I was going first anyway. You know. Check it out and look for anything dangerous.”

Courtney snorted. “Like nothing so far has been dangerous.”

“Nah, uncomfortable maybe…”

“You weren’t the one tied up with a hood over their head.”

“I’m sorry about that, Court. We’ll get out of here soon. Hang on, I’m climbing down.”

It was a slow ascent due to the dark but as he went further, it got lighter. He stepped out into a room that was completely unexpected. He shouted up to Courtney. “C’mon down. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“What? It sounded like you said you had a surprise.”

“Yes! C’mon down. Just go slow. It starts out pretty dark but get lighter as you go down.”

Courtney took a deep breath, stepped down onto the ladder. “I’m coming. Watch for me.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.”

When she reached the bottom rung, Nash reached for her hand. “Close your eyes and step onto the last rung. I’ve got you.”

She closed her eyes and took the final step down. “I’m trusting you, although I don’t know why. I just want to scrub this whole thing from my memory.”

“Okay, open your eyes. I think we found the nest of our tormenters.”

The room they were in was actually several rooms. They were standing in a living room area with an attached kitchen. They walked down the hallway and peeked into another room.

“Whoever it is or they are, their bedroom habits are nasty.” Courtney peeked into a small, messy bedroom.

“I don’t care about their housekeeping habits. There’s a bathroom and food in the kitchen. Let’s scrub up and make something to eat.”

Scrub? I’m taking a nice long, hot shower first.”

Nash chuckled. “Sounds like you. I remember college. Your nickname was Prissy.”

She punched his arm. “And yours was Mistake.”

He frowned and she grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring back bad memories.”

He turned and walked towards the kitchen, shouting over his shoulder. “Don’t use up all the hot water.”

To be continued…


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12 thoughts on “S – Scrub

  1. Eeek! I don’t like to shower at a friend’s house….a strange…very strange…stranger’s house? I don’t think so!!! I must press T. Thunder’s not good in a shower either!!

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