Letter R

This is a serialized story – be sure to read in order: from A (afterthought) to Z (zealous).

Before they could start their search, a loud siren started to screech and they covered their ears. “What fresh hell is this?” Courtney screamed.

“Did you say something?” Nash shouted back.

Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. But it was replaced with blinding, flashing lights as the walls changed back to white while the ceiling and floor stayed the same. This increased the intensity of the strobing effect of the lights.

Courtney sat and covered her eyes. “I can feel a migraine coming on, this better stop soon.”

Nash sat beside her and added his hands to hers, providing more coverage. “I promise, I’m going to get you out of here if it’s the last thing I do.”

With a groan, Courtney mumbled, “It may be the last thing for both of us. We’re going to rot in here.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” He got back up and vowed, “I’m going to find a way out. Then I’m done with this.”

The lights stopped and Courtney sighed, pushing to her feet she stood beside Nash. “We’ll see this through to the end together, whatever it takes.” She put her hand in his and looked around the now all-white room. “There has been a way out of every room before this one. There will be a way. We just need to—”

“What? Did you see something?” Nash looked towards the floor where she pointed. He knelt and felt around, but still not seeing anything.

Courtney knelt beside him, her eyes still a bit fuzzy from the strobe lights. Rainbow colored streams flowed in front of her, obscuring her vision but heightening her other senses. She ran her fingers over the floor, trying to find what her eyes had originally showed her.

“Yes! Here…” She pried at something Nash couldn’t see. “Can’t you see it?”

“No! I don’t see anything but white floor.”

She grabbed his hand and put it under hers. “Here, feel.” Together they traced the outline of a door. A hatch. An opening. “Pull, now!”

To be continued…


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10 thoughts on “R – Rot

    1. Hi Donna. I caught up with P, Q & R at one go and my head’s spinning. You are casting a spell for sure. Loving it 🙂

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