A to Z of Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories

Precious Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, & Significant Memories…

  • Pens: If you’ve been following along, you found out on the letter N that I love notebooks. Guess what? That extends to pens. I have some real favorites that don’t get used enough, some decorative that I absolutely love, and my daily pens.
  • Porches: My last two houses have had front porches with rocking chairs for sitting, reading, relaxing, and just enjoying the day.
  • Photos: I have a huge bag of old pre-digital photos that I need to scan. I’ve needed to scan them for almost twenty years. Think they’ll get done? Sigh… But I sure love looking through old pictures – the memories!
  • Photos 2: I’ve never been a fan of pictures of me, but having to take daily selfies during my 100 Day Wool& Challenge, I have found ways to take selfies I like. I’ve learned that a big smile hides a ton of wrinkles!
  • Pedicures: I had my first pedicure shortly before we moved to Ecuador in 2013. I got them regularly while living there – $25 was the average for them. Since moving back, I have only gotten them while cruising and those have gotten too expensive. I love a good pedicure and need to find a good local spot to get them done more often.
  • People: I appreciate people who understand and accept me as I am. But even more so – People Watching!!!
  • And too many more: smooth pebbles, a full pantry, pickles (they’re even hight up than olives), pizza fresh out of the oven, living on the Cumberland Plateau, 
Our front porch at Christmas time

What are your precious small delights, simple pleasures and significant memories?


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14 thoughts on “Precious – 2023 A to Z Blog Challenge

    1. I had my first at age 65, my youngest paid for it and went with me. Once you get one, it’s hard to stop. Hubby loves them, too.

  1. Pizza in all its forms is delish but prefer a thin crispy crust.
    I love photos – have scanned lots – nearly 5 terabytes worth backed up on two hard drives. Trying to delete duplicates.

  2. Reading about pizza made me hungry!
    I too like smooth pebbles – you can paint on them. I remember I found a smooth triangular pebble years ago. I painted geometric designs on it and gave it to my father to use as a paper weight. I
    think it must still be there at mum’s place.
    Pickles, too. The Indian ones, particularly chilli, mango and lemon pickles. Yum!

    1. Me, too. We had been doing it on our cruises but haven’t been happy with the last couple and it’s pricey. So it’s time to find a local spot.

  3. Peanut butter, (gel) pens, puppies…these are a few of my favorite things.

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