My A to Z Challenge: Micro fiction, using 300 words or less, inspired by selected words along with a photo for inspiration. The words were chosen in reverse order from this lesson plan page.
(For example, for the letter A it was the 26th word on the list, for Z it was the 1st word on the list)

“What a beautiful day for a skydive,” Dave thought as he double checked his gear. This was his fifteenth solo jump and yet each one was just as exhilarating as his first. It had all begun with a dare from his college buddy. Once the jump was complete, the next challenge would be issued.

If he were to admit it, this one was the trickiest. And the scariest. But what good was a challenge if it wasn’t scary?

He closed his eyes for a moment and let his senses soar. Such an exhilarating feeling. But all too soon the jump was going to end. It was time to slow his descent. Adjusting his posture, he pulled on both controls. They seemed a bit stiffer than normal, but he wasn’t concerned. He still had plenty of time to slow and continued tugging. As he slowed, he got a better look at his target area.

It was then he realized his landing was way off course. Their bet included how close to the designated landing point they touched down. But that wasn’t his main worry now. Now he was in danger.

He pulled harder on the left toggle to change direction. Nothing happened. He tugged again and the line snapped. Now what to do? He tried to gauge his speed and direction but no matter how he figured it, he was going to land exactly where he shouldn’t.

Inside the prison yard….


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