THE GOOD: I’m currently in Colorado with my daughter who had a double mastectomy on Tuesday. She’s doing great and I’m glad I could be here with her.

THE BAD: If you don’t follow my personal blog or get my newsletter, you may not know, but we had to put one of our dogs to sleep the day before I flew to Colorado. He got an unexpected diagnosis of cancer and after weighing all the options, we let him go. Our hearts are broken.

THE UGLY: Still no real impetus to write – just too much real life right now. I’m hoping once I get home and settled in, I can at least look at the three short stories that need to be written in the Snowflake Falls series. If you haven’t read AN ELFING MESS, I hope you’ll give it a try and let me know if you’d like more in that series. The thought was to bring in Candi and Mandi Winter from my book in another series, SLAY RIDE, as long-lost cousins to Autumn Winter, the main character in AN ELFING MESS.


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4 thoughts on “News or Not

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Life always happens and sometimes we just need to roll with it and give it some time.

    I don’t think anyone would judge you for not meeting deadlines during this challenging time. Instead, we’re grateful that your daughter came out of her surgery doing well and that you got to be with her. And our hearts grieve with you on the loss of one of your dynamic duo.

    1. Thanks, Marion. The book ideas just aren’t flowing. Hopefully once I get home and settled, they will return.

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