While I am attempting to end up with a final story (beginning, middle, end), there are bound to be issues along the way. In the past, I’ve always tried to keep my posts short. I’m not sure that will work this time unless I just write scenes and then try to bring them all together at the end.

So, please bear with me. I could easily write a flash fiction story for each of these words, but then there wouldn’t be an overall story. At this point, I’m not sure how successful I will be in the endeavor, but I’m committed to giving it a try. Totally trial and error!

Remember, the first scene of the story will be posted on Monday, April 1st (and no, it won’t be an April Fool’s story). I will continue with a post every day from then on, except on Sundays. Needless to say, the story will be rough. There may be typos, missing words, and worse, gaps in the story. But I will try to do my best. In May, I will clean up what is already written and fill in any blanks. What will I do with it then? I’m not sure. I may publish it as a freebie or, if it’s long enough, as a 99¢ book. Only time will tell…

Wish me luck and feel free to comment on what you would like to see happen in the story as it progresses. You never know, you might find your idea incorporated! Oh yeah, and as the story gets posted, I’m open to title ideas, too!


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Thank you.

13 thoughts on “My A to Z Rules

  1. I love how you continue to challenge yourself in your writing. You must have a head full of ideas!!

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