I’ve barely had time to myself over the last month and haven’t been able to participate in my various flash fiction challenges. Same goes for my writing…sorry! I knew October would be this way but I still wish I could have written more.

Just a reminder, less than a week to enter my two October giveaways.

I’m hoping November will prove productive…but then again, you never know. Holidays and such… Traditionally November and December are slow months on the productivity scale for me.

I would really like to get both books written that I currently have in the works. The first would be the prequel to the Klondike Mystery series. It tells us how Cassidy Peck came work for the Bradford Police Department. Here’s the cover – I love it!

Once that one is done I will move to finish Paradise Dream, which will be the fourth book in my C’Mon Inn Mystery series. It will give us the back story for the Thompson twins, Anna and Betsy, and explain how they ended up living in Hawaii. There will be some mystery and some romance as well as new characters to meet in addition to some old favorites.

So, thank you all for your patience. I hope both books will be worth the wait.


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Thank you.

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