Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Here is my contribution to this week’s Friday Fotoflash Challenge.

“I’m sorry, Jonathan, but you can’t paint your locker a different color than the rest. You’ll have to repaint it.”

“But Coach, it’s the only way for me to find it. I get so confused looking down those long same colored rows. Since I painted it I’m on time for everything.”

The coach shook his head, understanding the logic but knowing it couldn’t be tolerated. “Can’t stay that way. You have 48 hours to change it back to look like the others.”

“But Coach–“

“No ‘but coach’ about it. Just fix it. Understand?”

The young boy looked at the floor and nodded.

For some reason the coach continued the argument. “Can you imagine if everyone did this? Multi-colored lockers would line the hallways. It would be chaos!”

“Why would that be chaos?” Jonathan asked.

“Well…” the coach stumbled. “I mean, if everyone…” He couldn’t come up with any reasonable explanation. He sighed. “Just do it. Would you, please?”

Jonathan nodded again but continued his questions. “I don’t see what difference it would make if everyone–“

The coach held up his hand. “Stop! Don’t go there. Just fix it.  I’m done discussing it.” He turned and stormed off, shaking his head and muttering something about mouthy kids.

The next morning as the kids filtered in from the school buses laughter rang through the hallways. Wondering what was up, the teachers, principal, and coaches all stepped out into the hallway. They were speechless.

Every locker had been repainted, each one a different color or pattern from those surrounding it. Only one locker was the original dull orange and it belonged to Jonathan. 

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2 thoughts on “#fotoflash: Conformity

  1. Now this is being with it. I love the way the kids resolved it. Thank you… I love it!

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