My A to Z Challenge: Micro fiction, using 300 words or less, inspired by selected words along with a photo for inspiration. The words were chosen in reverse order from this lesson plan page.
(For example, for the letter A it was the 26th word on the list, for Z it was the 1st word on the list)

Maylin slammed the door and ignored her nanny’s pleas to come back. “NO!” she shouted over her shoulder. She was tired of being pampered and protected. She didn’t want to be a princess anymore. She wanted to play with the other kids, just be one of them.

She walked for what seemed hours and stopped to rest underneath a blooming wild cherry tree. The warm sun lulled her to sleep. She woke with a start to a strange voice calling her. She looked around but didn’t see anyone. When she realized the sound was coming from over head, she looked up and saw a woman sitting in the tree wearing the most beautiful ceremonial kimono she’d ever seen.

“Oh, hello. Who are you? Your kimono is prettier than any I’ve ever seen.”

“I am Xi-Wang-Mu. Have you heard of me?”

Maylin gasped. Xi-Wang-Mu was the goddess of immortality. “Oh, yes. But why are you here?”

“I heard you crying. I need a princess to live with me forever and forever. Would you like to be my princess?”

Maylin thought for a minute. “What would happen to my parents? Would they live forever, too?”

Xi-Wang-Mu laughter tinkled in the air. “Oh my, no, child. They are mortals and will die when their time is done.”

“Oh. I’m not sure. I have to think about it.”

“Hurry, child. I need an answer soon. Don’t delay.” Don’t delay or I will just take you. Xi-Wang-Mu’s leopard tail twitched beneath her kimono as she held onto her anger at a possible rebuff.

Maylin stood and stretched. “I think I’ll go home now. Thank you for your offer but I still don’t want to be a princess, not for anyone.”

Teeth bared, tail swishing, the old woman leapt down from the tree and jumped in front of Maylin. “You’re mine now!”

Inspiration: Guide to ancient Gods & Goddesses of China


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