Sorry for the lack of updates in recent weeks. I’ve been uber-busy preparing for my upcoming shoulder surgery on June 22nd. Needless to say, writing has been put on the back burner until maybe August. And that depends on the physical therapy I may need. Eeep!

To help take the pressure off, I removed myself from one of the two anthologies I was going to participate in. Mocha & Melodies, a Red Line Coffee short story, will be written next year. This year I will concentrate on Ventis & Victims, book one in the Red Line Coffee series, and Slay Ride, which will come out in December as part of a four book series. In order to meet my September deadline, I will be tackling this first before Ventis & Victims.

Now ? I’m in surgery prep mode. I have written and scheduled all my newsletters through till the end of July and I also managed to schedule two months worth of posts to my author Instagram and Twitter accounts, as well as my Facebook author page and Facebook author group. My TikTok account won’t fare quite so well. But that’s okay, it’s new and while I do post authorly stuff, it been more about personal things. Just for fun. Same thing for my new photo website, – photos are scheduled through till August. Phew! That lightens my load tremendously.

I am trying to use dictation, but I do find it much slower than actually typing as I think. I tend to watch the screen while I talk and want to make corrections immediately. Then I lose my train of thought! When I’m typing, I just type. My brain seems to be in sync with my fingers. Of course, I have to still make corrections. And, needless to say, punctuation has to be spoken. UGH! I will keep practicing. Most of the pronunciation using my AirPods seems to work out but right now I said “time will tell” and it posted “time will tail”.

I will try to post a short update post-surgery, but it might be 1 to 2 weeks post surgery. Since my newsletters are already written, I probably won’t put updates in there unless I’m really feeling awesome.

Oh, and did I mention we have SIX cruises (three back-to-backs) this fall? I get my best (and most) writing done while cruising. LOL!


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

6 thoughts on “It’s June and changes are coming…

    1. I’ve always been an organizer – believe it or not, I’m NOT as organized as I used to be. LOL!

  1. Good afternoon from Ottawa 🇨🇦 I do hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is as easy as can be, Your worries over your readers is admirable, but this is a time to think of yourself and your recovery first and foremost. I am certain I speak for many of your readers in saying as much as we enjoy your hearts work we can be patient through your recovery and hoping for the best for you. 😊Kat

    1. Thank you so much, Kat. I know things will slip but I will eventually get back to a more normal (for me) level. It’s going to be a busy summer. I hope most PT can be done at home – we have a 30 minute drive to the PT facility for my surgeon. Eeek!

  2. I agree with Diana Hammond. I used to be an ultra-organizer but somewhere along the way I became lazy. (Depression does that but I am working on it! Recognizing is the first step.)

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