I hope you have enjoyed reading along thus far…the journey is almost over. Have you figured out what is going on? Got any idea what is happening? Ready to find out? Two more letters and all will be revealed.

This has been difficult, but fun for me. While I have often written flash fiction, those pieces were typically under 1000 words. When I left the letter X, the story was just under 10,000 words. Putting this all together, letter by letter, has been much harder than I ever anticipated.

Now, time to work on the last two letters. Y – Yielding and Z – Zealous.


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Thank you.

5 thoughts on “It’s almost over…

  1. So far, I haven’t figured out what is going on, but I am sure you’ve written a satisfying ending. This has been a fun story series. Alana ramblinwitham

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