We got home from our trip to see family in Maryland on Tuesday of last week. On Wednesday, I re-injured my shoulder. I immediately treated it with ice and NSAIDS, then made an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. I saw him on Monday and it’s nothing too serious. I need to continue with the treatment, it will take time to heal the inflammation and the bicep may never go completely back to normal. But, no surgery needed. Yay!

It’s now Wednesday and I’ve caught up with all my back emails, missing social media posts (still need to schedule a few), and paperwork filing (my desk was elbow-deep). Oh, and we are in the middle of clearing out our RV and sorting through all the stuff we had in there. Keep, toss, donate, sell piles are everywhere. I’m trying to spend no more than an hour on this each day. We hope to sell the RV this spring, if not sooner. Amazing how much stuff accumulates – especially when you live in it full-time for ten years.

Enough rambling, back to writing tomorrow! I hope to finish the first draft of SLAY RIDE in the next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me (and check out my progress on the website home page)!


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