Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

It’s time for a Freewrite Friday post where I write whatever comes into my mind. It could be a writing update, a personal update, or who knows what else Here’s my thoughts today…

Pressure. I feel it. It’s building. So much to do. So many deadlines. Medical stuff. Personal stuff. Vacation stuff. Writing stuff.

So much to get done, will I make it? I normally work best under pressure. Right now I’m not so sure. My to do list seems to be growing faster than it’s shrinking. It’s not supposed to work that way.

I know, how do you eat an elephant – one bite at a time. I’m practicing that but…

I’m having one of those days when I feel like my head is going to explode and it won’t be pretty. I’m not prone to melt downs, but I can feel one coming on.

Well, I just spent the last hour or so creating a spreadsheet of all our to do items, sorting by date and if work (my writing related stuff) or personal. I feel a lot better – I love being organized. I think I have over 95% of what needs to be done listed…now to start checking things off!


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6 thoughts on “Freewrite Friday – July 21, 2023

  1. For 20 years I was a housekeeper/nanny and kept up with taking care of a whole household and the children, plus my own stuff. I used to be totally organized and didn’t need lists, I just did what needed to be done with no issue.
    Theses days I have to write lists so I don’t forget what I’m doing. But I do not do well under pressure. That’s when I become overwhelmed and would have a meltdown and quit…lol
    I have to do a little each day and accept some days it won’t be much!

  2. Spreadsheets are very therapeutic. Though I always had them when I worked. Now that I am retired now so much.

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