Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

It’s time for a Freewrite Friday post where I write whatever comes into my mind. It could be a writing update, a personal update, or who knows what else Here’s my thoughts today…

A little flash fiction I wrote back in 2012…


Awashed in fear
Awashed away
Awashed in regret
Awashed in tears
Awashed forever

The golden liquid sought lower ground on the nicotine stained counter-top but the old man never noticed. Never saw the grim faces staring at him with their bloodshot eyes, never heard the glass shatter on the floor. He stared in the mirror over the bar as his body stiffened in pain. His vision grew watery and dimmed as he felt himself slip to the floor.

They say your life flashes before your eyes but he had never believed it until now. Growing up, rebellious teenage years, first love, marriage, three children, decorated military career, two wonderful grandchildren, his wife’s cancer…the pictures stopped at a single act. Dancing. Dancing with her in the moonlight when they dated, dancing in the living room to oldies on the radio, dancing with her in his heart as she lay dying.

Dying, awash in memories, he closed his eyes for the last time and smiled.


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

One thought on “Freewrite Friday – July 28, 2023

  1. Your words have certainly peaked my interest in the whole story.

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