Photo courtesy of DB McNicol @ Pixabay

Here is my contribution to this week’s Friday Fotoflash prompt.

“John, c’mere!” Sheila stepped into the little shoppe on the edge of the narrow alley. She thought it strange that as many times as they had passed by here, she had never noticed it before.

“What?” her boyfriend was lagging behind and hadn’t turned down the alley yet.

“Hurry up! You’ve gotta see this place. It’s amazing.”

He stepped around the corner and stopped short. “Um, Sheila?”

Her voice echoed back to him. “I’m in here. It’s so beautiful. C’mon!”

He looked up and down the alley but saw nothing but walls – no doors, no windows, just walls. He ran his hand over the adobe bricks, searching for a secret entrance but found nothing.

“Would you hurry up! The light is fading and the reflections are magnificent.”

“You can see the sun reflecting?” He was puzzled. How did she get inside? What was he missing?

“The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. You have to come see it. Where are you anyway? I can hear you but I can’t see you.”

“Same here, I hear you, but I can’t find a way inside. How did you get in?”

Sounding a bit peeved she snapped back, “I walked in the doorway. Why are you taking so long? You’re going to miss-“

“Sheila?” Nothing. He banged on the wall and yelled louder. “Sheila, are you still there?” Nothing. Over and over. Nothing.

Inside, the mirrors flickered in the artificial light. She was reflected in them all…but she was no more.


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