I’m not sure what I expected, but writing this way (pre-selected random words) is far different from my normal flash fiction which has always been one complete story per post. I haven’t been editing the scenes, but hope they are enjoyable for you.

It’s been a somewhat uncomfortable feeling for me, starting a story with no idea where it would end. Yes, I am a pantser when I write my books. I often start with a location, a couple of characters, and a dead body (or crime). I started this with two characters and no idea where the writing would go. I admit, the story has taken on a life of its own and as I continue writing for each letter, I’m still unsure of how it will all hold together at the end.

A mystery? A fantasy? A slice of life? A total mess?

Could be any or even all the above. You be the judge. Coming tomorrow, the letter G – Grasp.


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18 thoughts on “First week is complete!

    1. Correct. I picked the words, then wrote the first post using that word. Then the second, then the third. I still haven’t pre-written all the posts but I finally figured out how to end it. LOL! Very different and the story is turning out to be VERY different from what I thought it would be.

  1. Thanks, Harvey. Hope it doesn’t get too wild for you. I did finally figure out the ending. LOL! Still working on the posts for the last couple of letters.

  2. I love writing flash fiction because of that, but those are short. This will end up around 9-10k total words or ten times my longest flash fiction. LOL! It’s been a strange process, trying to pull this all into one story.

  3. Congrats on surviving week one! I am enjoying your serial so far and can’t wait to read more…. (if you are anything like me, the day off on Sunday was much needed!)

    1. I used Sunday to catch up on other blog posts. Found a bunch more new folks joined in since I last looked at the master list.

  4. I believe that all creativity is really pantsing it – I mean with all these writing guides and online gurus – they may give some ideas around structuring creative output, but at the moment of writing a sentence, some dialogue – every writer is pantsing it – even if they know where they want that page to take them. We are reprocessing stuff we have seen, heard, experienced (even writing guru’s stuff) in our unique voices. I often think about all the writers who came before internet gurus – lol

    1. When I first starting writing, I outlined scene by scene my first romance book attempt. By the third chapter, I was bored to tears. I now have three covers for three romance books in a series that may never get written (I’m retiring soon). My first pantsing attempt was during NaNoWriMo and I’ve pretty much stuck with it. A setting, a couple of characters, a crime/victim and I’m good to go. I usually have no idea whodunit until at least the middle of the book. LOL!

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