This is a serialized story – be sure to read in order: from A (afterthought) to Z (zealous).

“Courtney Daniels, say your piece.”

“Court, it’s Nash.”

“Huh, I thought you were dead. Let’s see. The last time you called me was when you needed something. So, that means you must need something now. I should hang up—”

“No, please. Don’t hang up. Just give me five minutes. Can you meet me at our diner?”

“Is that dive still open?”

“You know it is. You go there every Saturday morning for their French toast.”

“How do you know that?” Courtney pulled the phone away and glared at it as though Jason could see her expression. “Fine. This Saturday at—”

“NO! Now! I need to see you now!”

“Jeesh, Louise. Fine. Whatever. You’re lucky I’m not doing anything right now. I need to change clothes, then—”

“Just came as you are. Can’t you co-operate, just once?”

“I am the most co-operative person you know, Nash. I hope this isn’t about money. You still owe me for the last time.”

“It’s not about money, Court. This is serious, really serious. Please! Just meet me at the diner in thirty minutes.” When there was no response, Nash realized Crystal had hung up. He sighed, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He might be able to pull it off but only if he had help. Courtney was his only chance.

He stuffed several papers into his briefcase, grabbed his phone, and double-checked he had the other items he was going to need. Satisfied, he closed and locked his office door then turned the sign to closed.

“She’s gotta help me, otherwise I’m screwed,” he muttered on the way to his car.

To be continued…


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16 thoughts on “C – Co-operate

  1. Hi Donna, I’m intrigued. I’ve been hooked and reeled in. I’m along for the ride and want to know what’s going to happen at the diner.
    Looking forward to D… Cheers, Jenny Pearson Report

    1. I’m trying to keep each one short (maybe in the 350 word range) so no time for deep development, just action. LOL!

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