Where does the time go? Every day seems to pass too fast and before I know it, weeks have flown by. I have stayed busy, just not busy writing my next book. I am trying to reduce my workload and have started by combining my two newsletter lists into one, but still publishing on the 1st and 15th. The format is different since I also changed email providers (to save some $$), but I hope you will continue to enjoy the books and promotions I share.

I had written the first chapter of the prequel for my future Open House cozy mystery series, Scared by Design, and submitted it to an anthology contest. It didn’t make it but I was okay with that since I knew I would expand it into a short story for the series. Initially I had hoped to get it done and published before Halloween since it has a haunted house featured, but it’s looking like I will miss that personal deadline. One major reason is changing the point of view from third person (all my current books are in 3rd) to first person. That will be a huge change for me but the cozy book readers seem to prefer it. Time will tell! Oh, and here’s the great cover my designer created for me. I love the look with the original covers, don’t you?

Open House Cozy Mysteries

I will be out of town for a couple of weeks, visiting family in Maryland for a wedding as well as a couple of medical appointments for hubby. When we return, he hopes to get a minor surgical repair done and will be restricted from lifting for a while. I get to take care of him like he did for me last year. After Thanksgiving, we are heading out of Tampa for two weeks of cruising. You know I will get some writing done then!


*As an Amazon Associate I may earn payment for qualifying purchases, maybe even enough for a cup of coffee! ☕
Thank you.

4 thoughts on “A little update…sort of

  1. Always enjoy reading your blog. We are now on the front edge of a severe storm. By about 1045ct, it will be much worse.. tornado watch, flash flood warnings, the rains are extremely brutal they are saying. The winds are expected to be pretty harsh,up to 70mph. Say a prayer for us, as we say a prayer for you 2 to have a wonderful trip to be with family. 💞

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