This is a serialized story – be sure to read in order: from A (afterthought) to Z (zealous).

The area was dark, too dark to see anything clearly so it was no wonder he banged his shin as he stepped forward. As he rubbed his shin, he called out to his partner, “Watch out for–“

“Too late,” she shouted back.  “Who’s idea was this anyway?”

“Just keep moving. We don’t want to run out of time.”

Courtney groaned. “Nash, you said we had plenty of time. What’s changed?”

“Just keep going. We’re almost there.”

“You never told me where THERE is…” As an afterthought, she stopped and added, “And I’m not going any further unless you stop right now and tell me what is really going on.”

“We don’t have time. Trust me!”

Nash turned but couldn’t see her in the dark until a sliver of light came through a crack in the window. His best friend, his only friend, stood with her arms crossed, an angry look on her face.

“I know you’re frustrated, but we have to do this. And, we have to do it NOW! Please, trust me.”


Nash put his phone down and slumped in his chair. The call had started out as unexpected,  but ended as terrifying. He was going to need help. Who could he call? Due to his past, he had few friends. Even fewer were ones he could trust.

To be continued…


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50 thoughts on “A – Afterthought

    1. Thanks, John. I’m up to the letter T and it’s been a wild ride. Hope everyone enjoys it. (I say it was an E ticket ride but most wouldn’t get that expression…)

  1. Oh, I LOVE the graphic and I love that you’ve placed words with the alphabet. I realize now that I have cheated with mine, just labeling each part A through Z. I’ll have to do better as the month progresses. I’m looking forward to reading yours the rest of the month 🙂

    1. Thanks so my, the random words I picked from the random word generator are leading me through this adventure. Definitely a challenge!

    1. It’s not like any other story I’ve ever written – no editing and taking it post by post. Just hoping it all sticks together at the end. LOL!

  2. I found it clever…I’m assuming you did it on purpose…claim it…
    that the first part of this was the AFTERthought and at the end you had the FOREthought! So not only was the word in the excerpt, but it was also a format!

    1. I plan to use the day’s word inside each post and will highlight it (bold/italics). While not driven by the word, I have to include it each time. Definitely a challenge to write this way – episodic!

  3. Good luck with the serialized. The longest run of a series I’ve done is five – more power to you for trying 26. Adore the closing hook “Due to his past, he had few friends. Even fewer were ones he could trust.”! – Erin Penn (P.S. Thank you for the visit.)

    1. It would be much easier to parse out an actual story, even semi-outlined. It’s a challenge to pull this off without any plans, just taking it day by day and being sure to include the word of the day. Phew!

  4. Good morning, fellow A-to-Zer! Thank you for all the kind comments on my blog. I’m finally getting out and about. And I am most intrigued and looking forward to following your story. 🙂 Great start!

    1. Good morning, Dixie. Thanks for dropping by, hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds. It’s a wild ride, writing this way. No outline, no real beginning-middle-end already defined. Eeep!

  5. I’ve read some continuing A to Z stories over the years by one blogger – I don’t think the man who has done it several times in the past is doing it this year. It’s not easy, I know! It’s a good beginning, though grabs the reader right away. Alana ramblinwitham

  6. Gotta love a cliffhanger! Finally getting time to read whole continued catching up on my blog. Onto B!

  7. I’m doing the road trip and just read your first episode. Now I have to read the rest! At least I don’t have to wait for each one as they are all there (I hope). My A to Z is serialised as well but it was all written in advance (in fact over several years) so not as challenging for me as it would have been for you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by to check out my posts, Linda. It was harder than I expected due to having to use the pre-chosen words, but I made it! Hope you enjoy it all the way to the end…

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