Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

Today’s random prompt is “How do you feel about New Year’s resolutions? Why?”

When I was younger and ambitious, I am pretty sure I made resolutions. I am also pretty sure I didn’t follow through on most, if not all, of them. Now that I’m older and wiser, I don’t bother. I’ve found setting a goal with a deadline works better for me.

In previous years, my goals were oriented on work and my career. I was healthy and at a good weight. If I were to set goals now, at 75, they would be to improve health and reduce weight. Funny how that happens….


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2 thoughts on “Prompted Monday – New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I don’t make resolutions but I do make a set of vision cards where I select areas of my life that I’d like to focus on during the year. In fact, now that it’s June, it’s time for me to revisit them and see what progress I’ve made (if any). Maybe I’ll post about it. Thanks for the reminder.

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